Advances with MammalWeb app

During 2020 a series of improvements have been made in MammalWeb app that allows to improve the experience of the participants. More than 50,000 sequences have been uploaded to the MammalNet project on MammalWeb app from different regions of Europe, such as Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Ireland. Many of them are waiting to … Weiterlesen

Kartierung der europäischen Säugetiere

Die Stiftung Europäische Säugetiere startet ein Langzeit- Großprojekt, „Kartierung der europäischen Säugetiere“. Die Finanzierung dieses anspruchsvollen Vorhabens soll durch crowdfunding erfolgen. Eine Steuerungsgruppe bestehend aus 11 professionellen Wissenschaftlern und Naturschutzmanagern leitet die Arbeit von 42 Landeskoordinatoren, die auf nationaler Ebene die Erfassung der Daten und deren Dokumentation betreuen. Tausende Menschen aus ganz Europa tragen zur … Weiterlesen

ENETWILD Workshop At IUGB 34th Conference

The IUGB (International Union of Game Biologists) is an international non-profit organisation whose aims are to promote the improvement of knowledge about game biology and any other skill related to wildlife, such as wise use of animal populations and the conservation of their habitats. IUGB is also a platform that allows networking between its Members. … Weiterlesen

Workshop 1: Wild Boar Abundance And Distribution Data

1.- What kinds of data are usable for abundance maps (models)? 2.- Where are data? (especially grey/unpublished data) 3.- To review networks/stakeholders with potential to contribute 4.- How approaching data providers 5.- Inputs for the “hunting statistics collection frameworks” 6.- Practical criteria for validation and quality assessment of wild boar presence data 1.- What kind … Weiterlesen